Benefits of Pyramids Head Caps & Table Top Pyramids:
- Pyramid Cap can be used for Meditation & Healing purposes
- The table top pyramid can be placed on water bottles. or water bubbles to energize the drinking water
- Pyramid Cap, Bemor or the table top pyramids can be placed on fresh fruits and vegetables before consumption
- Pyramid Caps can be used for energizing Crystals
- Table top pyramid can be placed in any important spot of the house where the family spends most time, to enhance the positive vibrations.
How to use Pyramid for Pyramid Meditation?
Meditation done inside a pyramid, or underneath a pyramid, is called as Pyramid Meditation. Many people experience feelings ranging from calmness to extreme euphoria during their meditation sessions inside the pyramids.
Pyramids help to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body Most people who have experimented with Pyramid Meditation, describe themselves as experiencing a total relaxation of their body, followed by the shutting out of unnecessary external stimuli and irrelevant thoughts and finally achieving an altered state of consciousness which allows them to concentrate on deeper inner levels.
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